Historic Chancery building finishes restorations

The reinstalled original wood doors and front facade of the Chancery shine in the late fall sunshine on Nov. 18, 2022. (Photo/Grant Whitty, Inland Catholic)

It is with tremendous joy that the Diocesan Chancery Building has finished its restorations this week. The Chancery is the home to many of the Diocesan administrative offices that aid Bishop Daly in moving the mission of the diocese forward. The building was initially built in 1915 as Heath Library and later became offices, most recently a call center for Magnuson Hotels. The diocese acquired the building in 2019 and began moving offices here throughout 2019 and 2020.

Since the move, work slowly began on the interior and exterior with restorations to the brick, stone, window panes, and the original wood doors. Just this week, repairs commenced. The Diocese would like to thank all who support Bishop Daly and the Diocese of Spokane, which allowed this project to come together.

The Chancery is located at 525 E. Mission Ave in Spokane, just a few blocks from Gonzaga University and Bishop White Seminary. It is across the street from St. Aloysius Catholic Grade School. It is open from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM on weekdays, with entrance by appointment only.

Catholic Diocese of Spokane

Established in 1913 by St. Pius X, the Diocese of Spokane serves over 88,000 Catholics in 81 parishes in Eastern Washington state. Under the leadership of Bishop Thomas A. Daly, we exist to encounter, live and proclaim Jesus Christ and His Gospel to the people of Eastern Washington State.


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