Letter from the Editor: August 2022

As many of you know, Inland Catholic has taken a short break over the past few months. By God's grace, that break has ended, and I have some exciting news to share with you all. First, as the new Editor of Inland Catholic, I feel an introduction is appropriate.

My name is Grant Whitty. I am the new Director of Catholic Media for the Diocese of Spokane. I wear many hats within this title, one of which is the Editor-in-chief at Inland Catholic. I studied Journalism and Media Communication at college in Colorado and spent a few years as a missionary on college campuses before my wife and I moved to Spokane. I believe beauty can serve as a window or doorway to an encounter with Jesus Christ. My plan for Inland is just that: Lead with beautiful stories, photographs, and design so that the viewer may be drawn closer into the goodness and truth of Jesus Christ.

As the Inland Catholic gears begin to turn again, I would love to highlight some things happening here. The principle is the distinction between InlandCatholic.com and the Inland Catholic Magazine.

The beautifully designed new website, inlandcatholic.com will serve as the ongoing media hub for the diocese. It will host news and stories as they are happening, what I would refer to as timely media.

The print edition of Inland Catholic will see some improvements as well. The magazine will be published quarterly, starting with the Winter 2022 edition, at the beginning of the new liturgical year this Advent. The print will also see an increase in page count and focus heavily on stories of individuals--you. I hope to bring elements of artistic beauty, poetry, photography and more into these magazines, what we will call timeless media. Note that we will still have the e-edition of the magazine.

Through the avenues of timely and timeless media outlets, the Inland Catholic brand will communicate Catholic news and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Eastern Washington.

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I look forward to telling the stories of Jesus working in and through all of you in our diocese. I hope our paths cross soon. Please pray for me.

St. Titus Brandsma, pray for us.

In Christ,

Grant Whitty

Editor-In-Chief, Inland Catholic

Grant Whitty

Grant is the Director of Catholic Media at the Diocese of Spokane and the Editor of Inland Catholic. He lives in Spokane with his wife and daughter and is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish.


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