Guatemala Mission News: January 2023

The Eighth Annual Guatemala Mission Celebration, held in Spokane on September 12, featured special guest Natalia De Leon from Guatemala City. Natalia is the program coordinator for Family-to-Family (FTF), a nonprofit economic development program that provides income-producing skills and resources to families and communities working to rise from poverty and become self-sufficient in the Western Guatemalan Highlands. 

Natalia showed photos and videos from the program. She shared how moved she has been by the improved health, housing, community connection, dignity, and economic opportunity that she witnessed in participating families during their three-year involvement in FTF. Natalia highlighted a new FTF recreational and educational center and spoke about how families in the program learn by working at that site and in other FTF projects. She emphasized the continued need for safe housing, an essential part of the FTF program. As building supplies and food prices have increased drastically (a 100-pound bag of corn that cost $15 prior to the pandemic now costs $40), further support is essential.

Miriam and Roger Devaney, directors of FTF from 2014 – 2020, were honored with a token of appreciation and thanked for their generosity of time and talent in leading the program connecting families in the United States with families in Guatemala and increasing access to paths out of poverty.

Donna Connell, chair of the Guatemala Commission, presented a photo update of programs supported by people and parishes in the diocese. She highlighted the status and work of the medical program, radio station, seminary, Catholic school, and pastoral work in Nahuala and Antigua Ixtahuacan (including the religious education, youth, catechist, and scholarship programs).

About ninety attendees enjoyed appetizers and beverages, fellowship with others from around the diocese, browsing items made by participants in the FTF program, and partaking in the mini silent and live auctions.

The quilt winner, which has traveled to various parishes these past two years, was Andrea McNitt, a fourth-grade teacher at St. Mary Catholic School, Spokane Valley. She bought her winning ticket at St. Mary Catholic Church.

Other activities during Natalia’s visit to the Spokane diocese included a weekend with the Guatemala committee of Our Lady of Fatima parish, a weekend at St. Thomas More (Spokane) parish concluding with a potluck lunch and presentation, a trip to Walla Walla to visit with FTF supporters, and a dinner for members of the Guatemala Commission and the FTF Board of Directors.

Members of the Guatemala Commission and the Family-to-Family Board of Directors at a dinner hosted by Miriam and Roger Devaney. Natalia is in second row, second from right, to the left of Fr. Pat Kerst. (Photo/Guatemala Commission)

Medical Program:  Dr. Jose Miguel, director of the health program in the Guatemala mission, recently sent a report detailing the 2022 activities and finances for the four medical clinics in Novillero, Nahualá, New Ixtahuacan, and Old Ixtahuacan.  A total of 4283 patients were treated for general medical consultations, Tdap (tetanus and diphtheria) vaccinations for pregnant women, and home visits – some for COVID patients, including grocery deliveries. In addition to regular medical consultations, 934 patients were referred to the two laboratories (in Nahualá and Novillero), with 2711 laboratory tests performed. Dr. Jose Miguel is also looking for a nurse who can assist when other nurses are absent due to illness or vacation and for another nurse for the clinic in New Ixtahuacan.

The new laboratory at Novillero medical clinic was completed this year – thanks to the donations of many people in the Spokane area. It will help patients who cannot travel to the other laboratory in Nahualá.

In October 2021, Dr. Jose Miguel arranged for a dentist to visit the Novillero clinic twice a week. In 2022 the dentist treated 70 patients with dental fillings, extractions, and cleanings; however, she has now moved on to a different job, so Dr. Jose Miguel is looking for a new dentist to fill that position.

Dr. Jose Miguel provided a detailed financial report for the medical program with a balanced budget – thanks to many donors from the Spokane diocese and the Sisters of Charity of New York.

Dr. Jose Miguel checks in children for well-baby examinations. (Photo/Guatemala Commission)

Dr. Jose Miguel extends his gratitude and thankfulness to all – “On behalf of everyone (patients and workers), THANK YOU AND BLESSINGS!”

In Old Ixtahuacan, Fr. Nicasio, pastor of Santa Catalina (Santa Catarina) parish, reports that he is busy serving the main parish in Ixtahuacan and thirty parishes in small communities in the surrounding mountains. For the first time, another priest, Fr. Estalislau Zavala, assists Fr. Nicasio. Fr. Nicasio and Sr. Rosita, Sisters of Charity, NY, train over 100 catechists monthly. The catechists then return to their small community to lead prayer meetings two or three times a week, sacramental preparation, and communion services on weekends when they do not have a priest for Mass. Religious Education and the youth program continue to meet regularly.

  Fr. Adrian Ruyan Coroy, rector of the Minor Seminary, Seminario Menor Señor San José, in Sololá, gratefully reported that thirty students completed their studies in 2022.  Second-year students will now attend the Major Seminary also in Sololá.

Graduating students with Bishop Gonzalo de Villa who is now Archbishop of Santiago, Guatemala. (Photo/Guatemala Commission)

They recently completed the remodel of the second bathroom and shower section in the thirty-year-old seminary, thanks to donations from Spokane donors.

“Once again, on behalf of the seminarians and formators, we thank you very much for all the unconditional support you have given us. We know that you pray for us, just as we pray for you. Equal thanks for your financial support. May God fill you with many blessings in your life and community.”

Lourdes Tzoc Ramirez, director of Nawal Estereo Radio station, affirmed that they continue to broadcast eighteen hours each day of the week, covering topics such as youth and women issues, religious events, and health news.  Broadcasts reach over 1.5 million people with the use of transmitters. They are very thankful to generous donors from the Spokane diocese!

Radio staff members interview people in the community; coverage of new Bishop Domingo during procession and dedication Mass. (Photo/Guatemala Commission)

Our Lady of the Highway Preschool has fourteen attendees with experienced teacher Elena.

Colegio Nahualá, Catholic School in Nahualá, has an enrollment of more than 400 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Tuition is 150 Quetzals—about $20—per student per month, which includes some other expenses and fees.  Many families cannot afford the tuition.

Girls with PE teacher at the Catholic School in Nahualá (Photo/Guatemala Commission)

Donna Connell

Donna is the President of the Guatemala Commission of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane. Donna and her husband Ron have been to the Guatemala Mission fourteen times since 2007.


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