Annual men’s conference inspires men to be a light in the darkness
One of the two keynote speakers, Deacon James Thurman of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, shares the importance of praying a family rosary at the Hearts on Fire men’s conference at St. Thomas More Parish in Spokane on Feb. 4, 2023. (Photo: Grant Whitty, Inland Catholic)
Men gather from almost every corner of the Diocese and beyond every winter for the annual men’s conference, Hearts on Fire. This year, nearly 200 men aged 16 to 86 came together for a day of prayer and fraternity. The conference took place at St. Thomas More Parish in Spokane on Saturday. Deacons James Thurman (Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon) and Deacon Bob Rice (Diocese of Steubenville) were the keynote speakers, sharing stories about a central theme.
The theme for this year’s event was “ be Light,” taking inspiration from Sunday’s scriptures and the Eucharistic in light of the National Eucharistic Revival. According to the diocesan director of evangelization, Brian Kraut, “Each of us is called to be nourished by Jesus in the Eucharist,” Kraut said. “So that we may become the ‘light of the world; a city set on a hill cannot be hidden.’”
The morning began adequately with the Holy Mass, with Bishop Daly as the celebrant. The bishop preached about how his father always made a point to take rest when he needed it. He encouraged the men and fathers in the congregation that it is essential to rest, too, mentioning that their attendance at the conference was a great gift and opportunity to rest and be with Jesus.
After Mass, men gathered in the parish activity center and were warmed up with praise and worship music from Deacon Bob Rice. Next, Deacon Rice talked about the Sacramental Economy, in which grace from all seven sacraments flow in and from each other, benefiting the entire Body of Christ. “When we partake in the Holy Mass, we all benefit from the graces given to the priest in Holy Orders,” Rice said.
Deacon James Thurman expanded on the importance of spiritual practices in the home. He cited the pneumonic device, CARE, encouraging men to partake regularly in confession, adoration, the rosary and the Eucharist. He elaborated on the reality of spiritual warfare and how these practices bring individuals closer to the heart of Jesus and act as spiritual weapons in the battle for souls.
Nearly ten priests from around the diocese attended the conference and offered confession for the men during a Holy Hour of adoration in the St. Thomas More church. After adoration and confession, the men gathered together for a rosary led by Deacon James.
“Our Lord encountered me during the men’s conference in the time of adoration,” one man said. “The 5th Joyful Mystery is the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. I reflected how Jesus undoes the original hiding in the Garden [of Eden] with His “hiding” in the temple. Alongside receiving the Sacrament of Penance, I was blessed to think about Jesus undoing all of my hiding, my sin.”
Once prayer and lunch had commenced, former comedian Deacon Bob took to the stage a second time and shared a song he wrote that shared about his experience of discovering his masculinity rooted in Christ, with bits of comedy sprinkled in. Then, without one realizing it, he transitioned into the final keynote of the day, in which he shared more of his story about exploring what it means to be a man as a boy and young adult.
The day concluded with testimony and sharing from two men about the impact Hearts on Fire has had on their lives as men living the Catholic faith in the modern era.
“This was my first year attending, but it will now be an annual event for me,” another man said. “Every man in the diocese should consider coming as all will benefit and return to their families better equipped to lead!”