SMMC sisters reflect on Perpetual Profession

On August 5, 2025, the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church, had two sisters profess perpetual vows: Sister Christiana Marie and Sister Paschalina Marie. Each sister professed the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience (also known as the evangelical counsels) for the rest of their lives.
For these Brides of Christ, it was the wedding day they had been dreaming about for years. Like the Rite of Christian Marriage, the sisters made vows, received rings, and were intentional about music choice and flower arrangements. A sung Litany of Saints was unique to rites like this, while the sisters were covered with a black burial pall, symbolizing the death-to-self (and life in Christ) they would profess. An unmistakable joy radiated from the sisters on that Monday evening, and they have prepared a few words to share from their experience:
Sister Christiana Marie, SMMC says:
Non Sum Dignus…(I am not worthy) - These words inscribed in my profession ring were chosen because it is a call to hope and trust, a call to trust that there is already One who is worthy, and He is deserving of my praise. These words call to mind our gracious Lord’s encounter with the centurion who, with complete faith entrusted the Lord with his ill servant. These words also make present the last words spoken by the faithful at every Mass before receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.
In the final weeks of vow preparation, I spent many hours in the Annunciation House Chapel praying with the conclusion of the Bread of Life discourse (John 6:67-69) and Our Lord’s encounter with the centurion (Matthew 8:5-9). In praying with these passages, I noticed a theme: Our Lord’s longing for our free response of love and His desire and willingness to heal. I was overwhelmed by the very tangible realization that this longing for union and desire to heal is also for me, unworthy though I am. Jesus longs for me and desires to be one with me not because of my worthiness but rather because He is worthy. I am not called to be worthy of His Love but to receive His Love and to let His Love and Mercy transform me. To know that the Lord Jesus awaits my “yes” with love, longing, and desire is a cause for rejoicing because He, who is mighty, has done great things for me.
In the days and weeks following the Mass of Perpetual Profession, my profession ring continues to be a reminder of the gift of His call. In the years to come, I pray for the grace to be daily reminded to hope in the Lord and to humbly submit my unworthiness to the one who is worthy and trust in the power of His word to heal where mine fall short…Sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea. (but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed)
Sister Paschalina Maries, SMMC says:
The liturgical ceremonies for the Mass of Perpetual Profession are particularly beautiful, and their texts serve as ongoing nourishment for prayer. Religious profession is the deepening of baptismal consecration, establishing new bonds of union with the Lord. I think that it is the grace of these “new bonds” that has impacted me the most. Having renewed vows on a number of occasions, I was set to profess the evangelical counsels permanently. However, the Lord has since made it clear that I was not simply repeating something in the way I had done before - the day had come at last to establish these new bonds with the Lord, an expression of His merciful love, wherein I seem to have entered into what feels like a new state, or a new place in my relationship with the Lord - wed, espoused, more firmly set within His Heart, more oriented to the Holy Cross, turned to His Face.
I think that the whole experience can be summarized well by the Psalm 118:23 that Sister Christiana and I chose to include on the back of the Mass program for the people: This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Perpetual Profession is the gift of the Lord’s Mercy and the fruit of the prayers, sufferings, and sacrifices of so many people. It is a gift flowing from the Church for the sake of the Church. I experienced the Holy Mass of Perpetual Profession as a true communion of the Church in heaven and on earth - everything was so directed to the Lord’s glory, so beautiful, and so peaceful.
Seeing everyone gathered after Mass for the reception, knowing that many had traveled and made special arrangements to be there, and seeing so many people who have made such a significant impact on my life and who love the Lord so well, it was one of the greatest joys I have ever experienced to know that this wonderful communion was not going to end, that this was the Church. What I had the privilege to make manifest by Perpetual Profession was what Christ wanted to give to His Bride in total, the Gift of Himself to each of His members - the pledge of Faithful Love unto Eternal Life.
Please pray for the sisters as they embark on their more profound journey with Jesus and continue to form young souls in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd throughout the diocese.
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