Pasco Carmelite professes solemn final vows at the Cathedral

On Sunday, Sister Donna Fe Josef de Jesus, O. Carm. made her solemn perpetual vows as a Carmelite at the 11 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes in Spokane.

Sister Donna Fe grew up in the Philippines and is one of the four religious Carmelite women living in the new Mater et Decor Carmeli Monastery in Pasco, which was established in the diocese earlier this year. She has lived in the Tri-Cities for the last few years, helping the new monastery project get off the ground. She is also on the cover of the most recent issue of Inland Catholic magazine, as the issue features the story of how she and the sisters created the new monastery community.

Sister has been a religious for nearly 22 years, spending much of that time with the Missionaries of Charity. She later discerned out of the Missionaries and has been with the Carmelites for nearly eight years under simple vows. She renewed her simple vows last year at St. Joseph in Metaline Falls during the sisters’ visit to the parishes in Pend Oreille County. Now, after making solemn perpetual or final vows, she has given her life to Jesus through the Carmelites, for life. She exudes a radiant Christian joy, loves to cook traditional Filipino meals and spends her leisure time in the monastery art studio sketching images of Jesus, Mary and the saints.

You can learn more about Sister Donna Fe and the Pasco Carmelites in the recent issue of Inland Catholic magazine, here.

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