Bishop consecrates remodeled WSU Catholic student center chapel
PULLMAN—On October 5, Bishop Daly consecrated the altar in the newly remodeled chapel of St. Thomas More Catholic Student Center in the heart of The Hill at Washington State University.
St. Thomas More has been a home away from home for generations of Cougs for decades. Various sections of the student center have seen remodels over the years; however, the chapel has undergone few changes since its initial construction. “I couldn’t wait to get rid of that old pink carpet,” the Director of St. Thomas More, Father Paul Heric mentioned as he observed the newly polished concrete floor.
St. Thomas More Chapel prior to remodeling. (Courtesy Photo)
Shortly after Father Heric’s arrival as Director a few years ago, he wanted to start working on the building right away. “We started painting walls the first summer I was here,” Father said. Painting a room is always an easy first step, but Father had bigger dreams. Not long after his move to Pullman—about two years ago—he began exploring the idea of remodeling the chapel space.
Planning and fundraising eventually transitioned to on-the-ground work last year. First, the tan brick-laden exterior was stained a red color that Butch the Cougar would approve of.
Next the chapel’s “pink carpet” was removed, and the cement was polished for the flooring. New red carpet was laid down in the center and side aisles.
Garco Construction of Spokane led the construction of the space and King Richard's Liturgical Design of Georgia was brought in for the marble work, including the new white marble altar, ambo, statue pedestals and the statues of St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother.
The marble was installed in May, and the remaining renovations, including flooring, remounting pews and new lighting, continued through the summer and finished in time for the new academic year this fall.
Although the chapel space was used for the Holy Mass, adoration and other prayers for a few months, the consecration did not occur until October 5—the Memorial of St. Faustina Kowalska. The consecration within the Liturgy of the Holy Mass includes the anointing of the altar with sacred Chrism, incensing the altar, spoken blessings from the Bishop and the dressing of the altar with linens, candles and crucifix. Finally, the Holy Mass continued as normal into the Liturgy of the Eucharist in which the bread and wine are Consecrated into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
Many Catholic students and donors attended the Mass and festivities, and the student choir provided hymns for the liturgy. Cake was offered after Mass for all in attendance to celebrate the joyous occasion.